Jade Bank

Humanizing Finances
Distributing Impact

Empowering Farmers

Jade’s Microfinance Program is designed with a powerful vision: to empower Brazil’s farmers by providing accessible, fair, and transparent financial services.

Access to Capital

We believe that access to capital should not be a barrier to sustainability and growth in agriculture.

Tailored Financial Solutions

We offer a range of microcredit options tailored to the unique needs of farmers.

Farmers submit their applications through our digital platform, with support available at every step.


Our AI-driven system evaluates the application, ensuring a fair and unbiased credit decision.


Once approved, funds are quickly disbursed, allowing farmers to move forward without delay.


Flexible repayment options are designed to match the agricultural cycles and income patterns of the borrowers.


Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we assess creditworthiness using AI algorithms that consider a wide range of data, allowing for fairer and more inclusive lending decisions.

Sustainability at the Core

We go beyond finance. Our microloans are not just about providing funds; they’re about fostering sustainable farming practices.

Streamlined Access to Funds

We understand the urgency often associated with agricultural needs. Our application process is straightforward, digital, and fast, ensuring that funds are disbursed promptly to where they are needed most.

Impact Metrics

Utilizing blockchain, we ensure that the Green Seal is traceable and measurable against SDG targets, promoting accountability and transparency.